
我公司筹建于1995年.现有熟练工人700多名,专业技术人员39人._x000d_   我们的产品主要是望远镜、光学棱镜、光学透镜、望远镜结构组合件等。公司拥有激光干涉仪和超声波清洗机等精密设备,确保优良的产品质量._x000d_   本公司拥有自营进出口权并通过ISO9001:2000国际质量管理体系认证.目前,百分之七十的产品出口到澳大利亚,美国,欧洲,中东和日本等地.强大的研发和国际合作能力使我们成为许多著名买家值得信赖的供应商._x000d_ 公司以"诚信为本,质量取胜"为理念,竭诚欢迎国内外朋友加盟经济技术合作,开拓市场,共图发展!_x000d_ In business since 1995, we are a privately owned venture providing overseas buyers with an extensive list of optical products. You can choose from our line of binoculars, telescopes, optical prisms, optical lenses and telescope structural parts. _x000d_ Key components built in-house_x000d_ One of our main advantages is that we produce almost all components in-house, including key parts such as the optical prisms and metal drawtubes. This ensures you receive factory-direct lead times that are shorter than those offered by our competitors. _x000d_ Quality certified output_x000d_ Our annual output includes 12 million sets of binoculars and telescopes, 1.5 million optical prisms, 800,000 optical lenses and 1 million telescope structural parts. We use sophisticated instruments such as laser interferometers and eight-tank ultrasonic cleaning machines, ensuring our products have reliable performance. Our quality management is ISO 9001:2000 certified. _x000d_ OEM orders handled by military-trained technicians_x000d_ Thirty-five R&D engineers including 10 with over 30 years of experience with the Chinese military, handle your OEM orders. They''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''ve adapted military innovations such as anti-fog features to fit our products. And, they can develop something to meet your needs, too. _x000d_ Exporting to major markets_x000d_ Currently, 70 percent of our sales are to buyers in the US, Europe and Japan. Our strong technical-research abilities and international cooperation make us a reliable supplier to many renowned buyers. _x000d_ Contact us today to learn what we can do for you._x000d_

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望远镜 光学棱镜 光学透镜



我公司筹建于1995年.现有熟练工人700多名,专业技术人员39人._x000d_   我们的产品主要是望远镜、光学棱镜、光学透镜、望远镜结构组合件等。公司拥有激光干涉仪和超声波清洗机等精密设备,确保优良的产品质量._x000d_   本公司拥有自营进出口权并通过ISO9001:2000国际质量管理体系认证.目前,百分之七十的产品出口到澳大利亚,美国,欧洲,中东和日本等地.强大的研发和国际合作能力使我们成为许多著名买家值得信赖的供应商._x000d_ 公司以"诚信为本,质量取胜"为理念,竭诚欢迎国内外朋友加盟经济技术合作,开拓市场,共图发展!_x000d_ In business since 1995, we are a privately owned venture providing overseas buyers with an extensive list of optical products. You can choose from our line of binoculars, telescopes, optical prisms, optical lenses and telescope structural parts. _x000d_ Key components built in-house_x000d_ One of our main advantages is that we produce almost all components in-house, including key parts such as the optical prisms and metal drawtubes. This ensures you receive factory-direct lead times that are shorter than those offered by our competitors. _x000d_ Quality certified output_x000d_ Our annual output includes 12 million sets of binoculars and telescopes, 1.5 million optical prisms, 800,000 optical lenses and 1 million telescope structural parts. We use sophisticated instruments such as laser interferometers and eight-tank ultrasonic cleaning machines, ensuring our products have reliable performance. Our quality management is ISO 9001:2000 certified. _x000d_ OEM orders handled by military-trained technicians_x000d_ Thirty-five R&D engineers including 10 with over 30 years of experience with the Chinese military, handle your OEM orders. They''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''ve adapted military innovations such as anti-fog features to fit our products. And, they can develop something to meet your needs, too. _x000d_ Exporting to major markets_x000d_ Currently, 70 percent of our sales are to buyers in the US, Europe and Japan. Our strong technical-research abilities and international cooperation make us a reliable supplier to many renowned buyers. _x000d_ Contact us today to learn what we can do for you._x000d_ [了解更多...]

南阳华祥光学有限公司提供相关服务: 望远镜 光学棱镜 光学透镜

[ 更多产品… ]  
地址: 高新技术开发区光武西路与北京路口西
电话: 86 0377 3555080
传真: 86 0377 3557023
邮件: optics2008@163.com
网址: http://www.suso.com.cn
联系人: 杨刚
所在地区: 河南 -

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