Starling Co.,Ltd

STARLING CO., LTD. was established in Taiwan in 1989. We are dedicated to consistently providing the most cost effective and high quality promotional products. The combination of high quality products and timely delivery is our unique selling proposition and these qualities have won the trust and high praise of our clients. We emphasize innovation and service at all time.Customer designs & OEM orders are cordially welcomed. Products are made to satisfy your requirements and specifications. We are committed to establish long-term relationships with clients worldwide and your inquiries are most welcome.

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Starling Co.,Ltd

STARLING CO., LTD. was established in Taiwan in 1989. We are dedicated to consistently providing the most cost effective and high quality promotional products. The combination of high quality products and timely delivery is our unique selling proposition and these qualities have won the trust and high praise of our clients. We emphasize innovation and service at all time.Customer designs & OEM orders are cordially welcomed. Products are made to satisfy your requirements and specifications. We are committed to establish long-term relationships with clients worldwide and your inquiries are most welcome. [了解更多...]

Starling Co.,Ltd提供相关服务: 禮贈品貿易外銷事業

[ 更多产品… ]  
地址: RM.5E-18, 5F, NO.5, SEC.5, SINYI RD., TAIPEI,
电话: 886-2-27202352
传真: 886-2-87860753
联系人: 吳信緯
所在地区: 台湾 -

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